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Invest in the Best SDP Plan in India

You may hear or read about many techniques to save money or expand your wealth when you first start earning. You may establish a robust portfolio by choosing an option based on your goals, such as savings accounts or fixed deposits. While fixed deposits are ideal for all investors, putting away a large sum of money may not always be achievable.

For such circumstances, Bajaj Finance’s Systematic Deposit Plan is the ideal and best monthly saving scheme. Bajaj Finance’s latest service allows you to start building your portfolio by allowing you to invest in monthly FDs starting at Rs. 5000.

A feature of a regular FD is an SDP or Systematic Deposit Plan. When you invest through SDP, each deposit is regarded as a new FD, earning interest at the current rate at the time the FD is booked. Unlike traditional FDs, where the lump sum amount matures at a predetermined interest rate, each deposit has its interest rate, which determines how much you receive.

Also Read: Choose Bajaj Finance for Best SDP Plan in India

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