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Here’s How you Can Download PAN Card with PAN Number

Many times, Indian taxpayers apply for a duplicate in the event of a loss of the PAN Card. Hence, it is good to download PAN Card when you already know your PAN number. If you are looking to do that, then you need to follow some easy procedures. Here is a post to know all of them. 

You can browse the NSDL portal to start downloading your e-PAN with the acknowledgment number. Now enter the acknowledgment number that you have Click on Generate OTP and feed the OTP received on your registered mobile and click on validate. Now click the download PDF and begin downloading the e-PAN quickly.

You will need to visit the download e-PAN NSDL portal and enter the details that are needed on the form like PAN, date of birth and Captcha Code.  You can now click on the submit button and start downloading the e-PAN for free 

You are now aware of the steps that are required to help you download the PAN Card using the acknowledgment number as well as PAN number and date of birth. 

By using the above methods, you can easily begin downloading the PAN Card and avoid applying for a duplicate card in case of loss cards. It is also possible to check the status and download the soft copy if you have recently applied for it using the acknowledgment number.


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